Monday, May 30, 2011

3a Lazy B

I am doing a compilation of all the beaches in Lebanon in addition to all the other areas of Lebanon underneath the Project Lebanon Logo. I have pictures of  Beirut (most of it), I took pictures of Tripoli (most of it/still have the beach front), now comes the turn of Southern Lebanon. Honestly, I didn't go that far south, Damour and Jiyeh are just a hop, skip, and jump, away from Saida which is further south and one of the four major cities that line the coast of Lebanon (they are Sour, Saida, Beirut, and Tripoli). Only 20 minutes away from Saida is Sour. There was a recent attack on a UN envoy in Saida only a week ago, so the area has its security problems, but for the most part it is safe.  

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