Though I don't think I need to explain or justify myself, I am doing so because I don't want people to get the wrong impression. For one, the Down Town pictures of what was and what is are a representation of how Lebanon has changed since its glory days (sarcasm). The response to my post is a representation of how it hasn't changed.
I received some comments about how biased I may be to the Sunni Lead Hariri government who have supported and sponsored Solidere, the corporation responsible for reconstructing the downtown area.
Solidere is mostly a private corporation, though its origins were created for public purposes (and are still of public concern), it gradually evolved into a more privatized business. One that Hariri and his people encouraged via the laws governing Solidere. Ohrstrom writes in the Daily Star,
Solidere was established by the government through CDR [the Council for Development and Reconstruction] and is regulated by two public statute laws but has taken the shape of a commercial company. It has been supported by the government and given about $1 billion in exemptions, and half of the area of Solidere is municipal property.
Since its relatively none humble beginnings, Solidere has evolved into stock oriented business, those who owned land in downtown area received stocks in Solidere as compensation for their deeds. Many of these people were forced into selling their stocks for prices less than the value of their land, which created much controversy around Solidere. Not to exclude the fact that many people living/squatting in the area at the time were forced out of their homes.
Hence the critics began to reign down on the renovation of the downtown area. The criticism ranges from corruption charges, perpetuating historic civil war amnesia charges, increasing debt charges, destroying archeological sites charges, excessively commercializing Beirut charges, and increasing the class and sectarian divide charges. All are valid.
Hariri had the largest amount of stocks invested in Solidere. Thus clearly indicating a bias in his political status as his financial interests are implicated in the countries renovation. People saw this bias and commented, calling him
Ammar hajar wa dammar basher – he who built the stones and destroyed the people. (Craig Larkin)
Now that he has passed, the car explosion that took him, and the cedar revolution that has followed make him a symbol of sorts. A symbol of freedom and of liberalism. His name and status is untouchable, people do not accept criticism of the Man anymore. Though he was as fallible and as human as any of the current politicians to date.
Regardless of this, Solidere still persists on and is still renovating the region from what it once was. The area is undoubted beautiful with cobble stone roads, four story buildings, a clock tower, several Souks (Markets) ranging from the really absurdly expensive to the moderately expensive, and gorgeous mosques and churches laden with chandeliers and bells and prayer calls alike. It is a distinct indication of Lebanon's Commercial oriented history. While representing Lebanon's multifaceted camilion like quality. All of which is topped off with Roman ruins. I personally find the area mesmerizing, and a tribute to what shit loads of money can do to any country.
WHAT I believe is that we have to face the fact that it's far too late to criticize Solidere (though they still need to be held accountable and responsible, and the laws need to be made clear about what its regulations and policies are!) The face of Lebanon is changing, as is the world, and though it is becoming more and more materialistic and divided by class; it is also shrinking and breaking down barriers that once existed. Everything needs to be taken with a grain of salt, regardless of its weaknesses or strengths.
I need to explain that the current lawsuits and the continued protest to Solidere's expansion is not to be taken lightly, nor is it be ignored. However, I feel that protests to Solidere need to be calculated and measured fairly, not used as a means of propaganda against a the Future Movement. Another note, is that any changes to the downtown area now need to take into consideration the existing presence of Solidere as a functioning part of that areas history. To move towards a fair and balanced approach to the area Solidere must be incorporated in the equation.
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